
I've Got a Boy Crush

     Is this real? It seems like straight out of movie or song lyrics. I have never felt this way before, ya know? like actually liking someone? Jeez this is scary. I see him and it sparks chills throughout my body and I can't help but smile, hard, like really hard. And it isn't just because he's a cute boy with a nice smile ( don't get me wrong, his smile makes me weak in the knees). It's actually everything about him.
     I love the way thinks. He can act stupid and have fun yet, he's still respectful and caring. I love that he loves all types of music. If we were driving in the car and I put on country, then RnB, and after that, if I put on love songs or rock, he won't care. He will just enjoy it all. Because he doesn't care about what others think and he doesn't care about being "cool". He just loves to enjoy life. We just like to enjoy life. I really do hope one day we can both express our feelings towards one another and just cut the bullshit. But until then, I guess it's just gonna be hard to not show it as much as i really want to.



"Hi!" "Hello." "What's up?" These are all things that people say to one another when they see someone they know. Me? I say "aloha" or just look at them with a weird funny face. Is that weird? Maybe, maybe not. As long as they say hi or hello back to me, I'm fine.
  I just told you this to justify the facts that I'm not normal. I'm a confused, messed up, loving, sing-all-the-time, laugh at everything type of girl. You are here to just witness all of the mistakes, the jokes, and the fun with me. Thnx for reading! more to come soon. <3